IICL Publications and Tools

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All prices for publications and tools are in U.S. Dollars (USD).

All IICL Publication and Tools orders will be processed in 1-2 business days.

IICL Hat (navy blue)

Product Code: 3900
Price: $30.00
Weight: 8 ozs

Detail Description:

IICL Hat (navy blue)

Qty: Total:

Repair Manual for Steel Freight Containers, 5th Ed.

Product Code: 1105
Price: $50.00
Weight: 13 ozs

Detail Description:

Repair Manual for Steel Freight Containers, 5th Edition Contains recommendations for repair of steel containers, many presented by means of color photographs. Covers general repair principles and procedures, repair of individual container components, safety precautions, materials and tools, non-conforming and improper repairs, terminology and interpretation of ISO dimensions.

(170 pages)

Qty: Total:

Supp. on Inspection & Repair: Gray Areas, 2nd ed.

Product Code: 1106
Price: $25.00
Weight: 5 ozs

Detail Description:

Supplement on Inspection & Repair: Gray Areas, 2nd edition Clarifies "gray areas" in container inspection and repair that have remained open to interpretation and thus the source of disputes. Such areas include conditions where it is unclear whether repair is required or not; wear and tear vs. damage; improper repairs; and others. Color photos illustrate conditions such as improper panel straightening, floor delamination and rolling shear failure.

(24 pages)

Qty: Total:

General Guide for Container Cleaning, 3rd Ed.

Product Code: 1117
Price: $38.00
Weight: 12 ozs

Detail Description:

General Guide for Container Cleaning, 3rd Edition This updated version expands the use of color photographs to illustrate different types of container conditions in dry van, open top and refrigerated containers that may or may not require cleaning. For each condition, the Guide recommends the action to be taken, if any, and the cleaning procedure to use. The refrigerated container cleaning section has been significantly enlarged and specifically addresses CO2 and ammonia contaminations amongst other conditions.

(110 pages)

Qty: Total:

Guide for Flatrack Container Inspection

Product Code: 1120
Price: $40.00
Weight: 8 ozs

Detail Description:

Guide for Flatrack Container Inspection.

(90 pages)

Qty: Total:

Guide for Flatrack Container Repair

Product Code: 1121
Price: $45.00
Weight: 9 ozs

Detail Description:

Guide for Flatrack Container Repair.

(106 pages)

Qty: Total:

Guide for Container Equip. Inspection, 6th Ed.

Product Code: 1122
Price: $50.00
Weight: 10 ozs

Detail Description:

Provides criteria for determining if damage to containers requires repair. Includes updates and harmonization of several inspection criteria and processes that have developed over recent years. Benefits of the IICL 6 standard also include simplification and efficiency improvement of procedures for container inspections performed at container depots around the world.

(Published 2016)

Qty: Total:

Guide for Open Top Container Equipment Inspection

Product Code: 1125
Price: $50.00
Weight: 13 ozs

Detail Description:

Guide for Open Top Container Equipment Inspection (180 pages) Addresses in detail the inspection of components and cleaning decisions specific to open top containers.

(180 pages)

Qty: Total:

Full Set of Container Publications

Product Code: 1198
Price: $192.00
Weight: 52 ozs

Detail Description:

The Full Set of Container Publications include the following manuals:
(1105) Repair Manual for Steel Freight Containers
(1106) Supplement to Inspection and Repair; Gray Areas, 2nd Edition
(1117) General Guide for Container Cleaning, 3rd Ed.
(1122) Guide for Container Equipment Inspection, 6th Ed.
(1125) Guide for Open Top Container Equipment Inspection

Qty: Total:

Guide for Palletwide Inspection and Repairs Standards

Product Code: 2050
Price: $26.00
Weight: 6 ozs

Detail Description:

The purpose of this Palletwide Supplemental Guide 1st Edition is to define minimum interchange equipment condition standards that are particular to Palletwide containers. The inspection and repair standards shown on this guide supplement the current inspection and repair IICL manuals. The Palletwide standards must be used in conjunction with the latest versions of the IICL inspection and repair manuals for dry freight containers complemented by the General Guide for Container Cleaning and the Gray Areas supplement. This guide was designed to facilitate the equipment interchange process during on and off-hire, however, it might also be useful for the assessment of the equipment during in-service inspections and repairs.

(31 pages)

Qty: Total:

Guide for Floorboard Quality Assurance Program

Product Code: 2100
Price: $45.00
Weight: 6 ozs

Detail Description:

Guide for Floorboard Quality Assurance Program The Floorboard manual is a comprehensive check list of criteria used for the auditing of plywood construction. The manual can be used by an auditor, factory or inspector to review the step by step details. The manual also assigns an audit score to rate the process.

(46 pages)

Qty: Total:

Container Chassis Inspection & Maintenance, 4th Ed.

Product Code: 2105
Price: $60.00
Weight: 13 ozs

Detail Description:

Guide for Container Chassis Inspection and Maintenance, 4th Edition. Contains Inspection and Maintenance criteria recommendations for container chassis.

(179 pages)

Qty: Total:

General Guide for GENSETS Inspection and Repair Standards


Product Code: 2110
Price: $42.00
Weight: 9 ozs

Detail Description:

Provides criteria for determining when damages to generator sets require repairs. The guide includes repair method recommendations and maintenance guidelines. The guide contains several photos illustrating various types of damages and repairs. The guide addresses both common types of generator sets, Clip-ons, and Underslung units.

(100 pages)

Qty: Total:

General Guide for Refrigerated Container Inspection & Repair, 4th Ed

Product Code: 3101
Price: $65.00
Weight: 14 ozs

Detail Description:

General Guide for Refrigerated Container Inspection and Repair, 4th Edition Contains inspection criteria and repair recommendations for reefer containers.

(235 pages)

Qty: Total:

International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972

Product Code: 3200
Price: $30.00
Weight: 0 ozs

Detail Description:

The International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 (CSC 1972) has two goals:

  • This product is only available in digital eReader format.
  • to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the transport and handling of containers by providing acceptable test procedures and related strength requirements; and
  • to provide uniform international safety regulations, equally applicable to all modes of surface transport, thereby avoiding the proliferation of divergent national regulations.
The amendments to CSC 1972 adopted by resolution MSC.355(92) entered into force on 1 July 2014 and include:
  • new definitions at the beginning of annexes I and II, along with consequential amendments to ensure uniform usage of terminology throughout CSC 1972; - amendments to align all physical dimensions and units to the SI system;
  • the introduction of a transitional period for marking containers with restricted stacking capacity, as required under the relevant standard; and
  • the inclusion in annex III of the list of deficiencies which do not require an immediate out-of-service decision by the control officer but do require additional safety measures to enable safe ongoing transport.
(2014 Edition)

Qty: Total:

IICL Hat (navy blue)

Product Code: 3900
Price: $30.00
Weight: 8 ozs

Detail Description:

IICL Hat (navy blue)

Qty: Total:

Chipping Hammer

Product Code: 4205
Price: $56.00
Weight: 10 ozs

Detail Description:

Used to clean heavily corroded surfaces and to allow proper visual inspection. The sound produced by the point head when hitting metal or the flat head on floorboards assists inspectors to determine need for repair.

Qty: Total:

New Roof Measuring Kit

Product Code: 4206
Price: $85.00
Weight: 16 ozs

Detail Description:

Extendable arms allow roof panel measurements eliminating the need for ladders. Ruler has notches at 2 mm and 10 mm position.

Qty: Total:

New Reference Line

Product Code: 4207
Price: $56.00
Weight: 16 ozs

Detail Description:

With extension arm to facilitate the positioning of the upper magnet at high locations. Stronger line is now protected from abrasion between magnet and steel surface.

Qty: Total:

New Reefer Measuring Magnet

Product Code: 4208
Price: $52.00
Weight: 8 ozs

Detail Description:

To measure side panels out-of-ISO. The set includes a pair of magnets and a reeling chalk line (100 ft). Magnets have groves 20 mm high to be used on corner fittings and 24 mm high to be used on undamaged corner post side walls.

Qty: Total:

New Spacers

Product Code: 4209
Price: $18.00
Weight: 8 ozs

Detail Description:

For out-of-ISO measurements. Spacers are 5mm thick. The set includes 4 x 5 mm magnets.

Qty: Total:

New Damage Measurement Rulers

Product Code: 4210
Price: $28.00
Weight: 6 ozs

Detail Description:

Rulers now have acid etched darker markings to facilitate reading.

Qty: Total:

Reference Line + Ruler

Product Code: 4110
Price: $79.00
Weight: 16 ozs

Detail Description:

Reference Line + Ruler

Qty: Total:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer

Product Code: 4120
Price: $130.00
Weight: 30 ozs

Detail Description:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer

Qty: Total:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers

Product Code: 4130
Price: $145.00
Weight: 40 ozs

Detail Description:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers

Qty: Total:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers + Roof Measuring Kit

Product Code: 4140
Price: $221.00
Weight: 48 ozs

Detail Description:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers + Roof Measuring Kit

Qty: Total:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers + Roof Measuring Kit + Set of Reefer Magnets

Product Code: 4150
Price: $266.00
Weight: 56 ozs

Detail Description:

Reference Line + Ruler + Chipping Hammer + Set of 4 x 5 mm Spacers + Roof Measuring Kit + Set of Reefer Magnets

Qty: Total:

Basket Contents

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All IICL Publication and Tools orders will be processed in 1-2 business days.

You are responsible for paying all import duties, taxes and fees (if any) charged by your countries customs
agency or government for the delivery of your publications and/or tools.

All prices for publications and tools are in U.S. Dollars (USD).

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Digital Manuals

Welcome to the IICL digital editions of manuals. Before you purchase any digital manual, it is important to note:

The digital files are secured by “Locklizard”, a  proprietary application. 

  • Files are only accessible upon receiving and installing an IICL-Locklizard license on a device (phone or computer or tablet).
  • If you already have a license on one device and want to buy additional manuals for that device, the original license will be updated to include additional purchases. 
  • For a new device you will need to purchase and receive a new license.
  • Files do not allow printing. 
  • Files do not allow screen copying. 
  • Files may be disabled by the IICL because of improper use or attempt to bypass security.

All files are copyright protected.

If you would like to access a manual on more than one device, you will need to buy additional licenses.

Once you purchase a manual you will receive an email from Locklizard with step-by-step instructions on how to install the license on your chosen device. It is important that you follow instructions step by step. Repeat if necessary.

You will also receive an email and a link to the secured file(s) you purchased. Please proceed to download the file(s).

For questions or support, please send an email to emanual@iicl.org

Available Manuals/Pricing

The following manuals are available in digital format at the price listed below:

  • Guide for Container Equip. Inspection, 6th Ed. - $23
  • Repair Manual for Steel Freight Containers, 5th Ed. - $23
  • Supp. on Inspection & Repair: Gray Areas, 2nd ed. - $12
  • General Guide for Container Cleaning, 3rd Ed. - $18
  • Guide for Open Top Container Equipment Inspection - $23
  • Guide for Palletwide Inspection and Repairs Standards - $12
  • Guide for Flatrack Container Inspection - $18
  • Guide for Flatrack Container Repair - $20
  • General Guide for Refrigerated Container Inspection & Repair, 4th Ed. - $30
  • Guide for GENSETS Inspection and Repair Standards - $19
  • Container Chassis Inspection & Maintenance, 4th Ed. - $27


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